What we call rational grounds for our beliefs are often extremely irrational attempts to justify our instincts. - Thomas Henry Huxley
In fact a favourite problem of [John Tyndall] is—Given the molecular forces in a mutton chop, deduce Hamlet or Faust therefrom. He is confident that the Physics of the Future will solve this easily. - Thomas Henry Huxley
Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley
For once reality and his brains came into contact and the result was fatal. - Thomas Henry Huxley
Science is nothing but trained and organized common sense, differing from the latter only as a veteran may differ from a raw recruit: and its methods differ from those of common sense only as far as the guardsman's cut and thrust differ from the manner in which a savage wields his club. - Thomas Henry Huxley
The facts of variability, of the struggle for existence, of adaptation to conditions, were notorious enough; but none of us had suspected that the road to the heart of the species problem lay through them, until Darwin and Wallace dispelled the darkness. - Thomas Henry Huxley
To a clear eye the smallest fact is a window through which the infinite may be seen. - Thomas Henry Huxley
The most considerable difference I note among men is not in their readiness to fall into error, but in their readiness to acknowledge these inevitable lapses. - Thomas Henry Huxley